The Rambling New Yorker

Begun in May 2013, The Rambling New Yorker was a chronicle of my time living in Mississippi. I created it at the urging of a friend of mine. At the time the idea of a blog seemed preposterous. However living in the Mississippi Delta was not as simple as many people think. Life down there was more nuanced then I imagined. A lot of Delta living can only be experienced by travelling there. The Rambling New Yorker is the next best thing.

Breaking Down the Silo

Unlike The Rambling New Yorker, Breaking Down The Silo was my professional blog. After several years of attending conferences, I realized my own ideas were not quite like those of many of my peers. Most people look at librares, archives, and museums and see totally different worlds. Yet while its true those fields have different histories, each primarily provides access to information in different ways. There is thus a certain amount of overlap between them. We also have Google and the rest of the tech industry changing how information is organized and accessed in new and different ways. Breaking Down the Silo was dedicated to exploring those concepts and ideas.